Thursday, April 23, 2009

Purpose: To Reveal God's Word in Our Time

In this blogging age, I thought I'd try my hand at it. Those that know me, however, know that I don't do anything without purpose.

My primary purpose is to reveal God's Word. I desire to demonstrate that His Word is relevant and personal to not only my life, but all of our lives today. God's Word is sufficient for guiding us in all our ways, our thinking, our feelings and our spirituality. His Word is all one needs to come to correct decisions on family values, economics, government, warfare, welfare, health, religion, sexuality, children, and any other topic. I hope to achieve the end result, that at least one person who follows this blog will see the reality of Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior. I also hope to encourage my fellow believers to constantly seek out God's guidance through His Word.

Secondly, my purpose is to share my thoughts about the major issues of our times. I am motivated by the fact that there are too many people in our present age who are ignorant about Christ, the U.S. Constitution, Capitalism, Federalism and Role of Government, Family Values, Rights, Property, and Wealth. There are too many ignorant and uninformed and they are dangerously voting their self-centerdness, which ultimately elected our current President and Democrat controlled Congress. Together, they are enacting all kinds of atrocities on our American and Christian way of life. So, many are even unaware that like sheep to the slaughter they are being sheared of their natural rights and freedom. Worse, they are mortgaging the rights and freedoms of our children, all the while applauding the very ones holding the shears. So, I decided to blog about our current issues as well as the principles and beliefs of our founding fathers, the reasonable propositions of the Christian faith, the necessity and goodness of a free market economy, the necessity of checks and balances in our government and federalism, and more.